Selling Books Online: Self-Promotion Strategies That Work

There is so much preparation and hard work that goes into writing a book and getting it published – and once your book is out in the world, your work in selling books online continues. While your accomplishment is sure to draw excitement from your peers and your inner circle, you are going to have […]

4 Qualities of Best-Selling Book Titles

Perhaps by now, you have noticed a theme as you venture through the process of publishing your manuscript: being an author is more than just writing a book. Getting your book in the hands of readers also requires thought about marketing to your target audience, and creating a physical product that promises what its content […]

How to Write a Winning Book Description

So, you’ve climbed your Mount Everest – you’ve finally finished your manuscript! It is a great accomplishment, by all means, but unfortunately, the writing is not over – yet. In addition to the book cover, interior formatting, and other design aspects of your product, one of the most important yet often overlooked features is the […]

4 Self-Publishing Mistakes That Self-Publishing Companies Don’t Want to See You Make

The process of self-publishing has changed drastically over the years with technology making it increasingly more accessible – but many self-published books are riddled with grammatical errors, have terrible book covers, or inappropriate marketing campaigns (not everything has to be a Tik Tok video). Don’t fret; even accomplished writers make these mistakes.  Here are 4 […]

A Quick Guide to Self-Publishing: How Book Distribution Services Work

You may have written a great book, but that doesn’t mean people will suddenly be coming out of the woodwork to help you sell it.  A successful book distribution campaign is one of the essential steps in publishing – it’s your chance to get your book in front of as many members of your target […]

How Much Does It Cost to Publish Your Book?

How Much Does It Cost to Publish Your Book?  Before novels like The Bridges of Madison County and You Can Heal Your Life became all-time bestsellers, the authors of these books went through the tedious and costly process of self-publishing. Yes, publishing, like anything else, is an investment.   If you dream of joining the ranks […]

How Long Does It Take to Write a Book?

Are you planning to write a book and wondering how long it might actually take? Are you currently writing a book and need to assess your timeline?  This article will help shed some light on the path to write a book. Estimating the time required to write a book is rather subjective. The length, genre, […]

What is an ISBN?

What is an ISBN? An International Standard Book Number (ISBN) is a unique numerical identifier attributed to books for their commercial sale and distribution. It is used as a product identifier by digital and physical libraries, online retailers, booksellers and publishers for a variety of different purposes, including inventorying, ordering, listing and selling. Users who […]