How Does Spines Work? A Revolution in Book Publishing

In an age of digitization and rapid technological advancements, the literary world is undergoing a transformation. With the ubiquity of e-readers, audiobooks, and digital platforms, the way readers engage with content is evolving, enabling them to consume literature in diverse and immersive ways.  But this transformation isn’t limited to the way we consume content. Technology […]

Spines vs Scribe: Which Company Serves Non-Fiction Writers Better?

Note: Because Scribe Media only publishes non-fiction, we will be focusing on comparing the two companies under the assumption you are publishing non-fiction. Please check out our other articles in our comparison series, where we do side-by-side comparisons of Spines and other top self-publishing companies like Bookbaby and Kindle Direct Publishing. Spines vs Scribe: In […]

Where to Publish Your Book

The digital age has enabled writers to self-publish their books, a topic we explore in ‘Where to Publish Your Book’. This means the author handles the entire publishing process on their own – including formatting, designing, and editing. This is a departure from the traditional method, where a publishing house must approve a book before […]

What Are Self Publishing Companies and Why Are They So Popular?

Self Publishing companies

These days, more authors are choosing to work with self publishing companies. Not only does this route  allow authors to maintain more control over their work, it also allows them to receive a much higher percentage of the royalties from each sale of their book. In the past, the only way to ensure that your […]

A Quick Guide to Self-Publishing: How Book Distribution Services Work

You may have written a great book, but that doesn’t mean people will suddenly be coming out of the woodwork to help you sell it.  A successful book distribution campaign is one of the essential steps in publishing – it’s your chance to get your book in front of as many members of your target […]

How Much Does It Cost to Publish Your Book?

How Much Does It Cost to Publish Your Book?  Before novels like The Bridges of Madison County and You Can Heal Your Life became all-time bestsellers, the authors of these books went through the tedious and costly process of self-publishing. Yes, publishing, like anything else, is an investment.   If you dream of joining the ranks […]

Spines vs Which Should You Choose?

These days, authors no longer need a major publishing plaform to be successful. In just the past few years, many authors have been able to produce professional-quality, competitive books at a fraction of the cost. With self-publishing continuing to grow at a rate of 40% in 2018 according to Proquest affiliate Bowker, it’s clear that […]

What is an ISBN?

What is an ISBN? An International Standard Book Number (ISBN) is a unique numerical identifier attributed to books for their commercial sale and distribution. It is used as a product identifier by digital and physical libraries, online retailers, booksellers and publishers for a variety of different purposes, including inventorying, ordering, listing and selling. Users who […]