4 Qualities of Best-Selling Book Titles

Perhaps by now, you have noticed a theme as you venture through the process of publishing your manuscript: being an author is more than just writing a book. Getting your book in the hands of readers also requires thought about marketing to your target audience, and creating a physical product that promises what its content […]

How to Write a Winning Book Description

So, you’ve climbed your Mount Everest – you’ve finally finished your manuscript! It is a great accomplishment, by all means, but unfortunately, the writing is not over – yet. In addition to the book cover, interior formatting, and other design aspects of your product, one of the most important yet often overlooked features is the […]

How Long Does It Take to Write a Book?

Are you planning to write a book and wondering how long it might actually take? Are you currently writing a book and need to assess your timeline?  This article will help shed some light on the path to write a book. Estimating the time required to write a book is rather subjective. The length, genre, […]

7 Tips for Overcoming a Writing Barrier: How to Defeat Writer’s Block

Surely, all writers have experienced this feeling: your mind is as blank as the page in front of you, a classic writing barrier. You may have the desire to write, but no idea how to get the process started. Conversely, you can have a thrilling idea (or a mundane deadline), but panic stops you from […]