Thriller (Genre) The Top 7 Best Thriller Books of All Time

I was wondering if anyone else here has ever been unable to put down a book. This is what keeps a reader turning the pages of a page-turner. A good thriller has a plot that keeps the reader guessing right up until the final page. This article will conduct a deeper investigation into the genre […]

Time Management Tips for Writers

You might have an amazing idea for a plot, a passion for the written word, a drive to publish a book, and all the latest technology at your fingertips. However, a book can’t write itself, and certainly not if you are missing the most necessary thing: time. Let’s face it – most of our time […]

Writing a First Person Narrative

An aspect that has a direct influence on the mood and style of a novel’s narrative is the perspective through which the writer narrates. Whether it is in first or third person, often, the writers’ decision is guided through their own creative influences and genre preferences. Authors who read predominantly one or the other will […]

Beta readers: a writer’s secret weapon

It is rare to find a writer who has never doubted that their work will be appreciated, understood, or credible to their audience. While those fears can be assuaged with the help of a developmental and literary editor, the best way to really get inside a reader’s head is to send your work to readers! […]

Shattering Common Book Writing Myths

Common Book Writing Myths: Once you have begun the process of writing your first book, chances are you’ve encountered at least one setback – whether logistical, creative, or even a mental block. Add to this the many myths you hear about the writing process, and you may find yourself struggling to sort fact from fiction! […]

A Writer’s Inner Monologue: Overcoming Writer Challenges

Sometimes, the creative process of a writer can feel incredibly lonely, often filled with unique writer challenges. Romanticized as an idyllic bohemian fantasy of quill pens and candlelit inspiration, the reality of writing a book is decidedly far less glamorous. Writing is a unique career, with a lot of pressure resting squarely on your shoulders. […]

Should You Design Your Own Book Cover? Why A Pro is The Way To Go

Should You Design Your Own Book Cover? There are several steps between an author putting pen to paper and getting their first book published. Once the manuscript has been written and edited to perfection, a considerable amount of time must be put into putting the actual visuals of the product together. In traditional publishing houses, […]

Selling Books Online: Self-Promotion Strategies That Work

There is so much preparation and hard work that goes into writing a book and getting it published – and once your book is out in the world, your work in selling books online continues. While your accomplishment is sure to draw excitement from your peers and your inner circle, you are going to have […]

4 Qualities of Best-Selling Book Titles

Perhaps by now, you have noticed a theme as you venture through the process of publishing your manuscript: being an author is more than just writing a book. Getting your book in the hands of readers also requires thought about marketing to your target audience, and creating a physical product that promises what its content […]

How to Write a Winning Book Description

So, you’ve climbed your Mount Everest – you’ve finally finished your manuscript! It is a great accomplishment, by all means, but unfortunately, the writing is not over – yet. In addition to the book cover, interior formatting, and other design aspects of your product, one of the most important yet often overlooked features is the […]

Where to Publish Your Book

The digital age has enabled writers to self-publish their books, a topic we explore in ‘Where to Publish Your Book’. This means the author handles the entire publishing process on their own – including formatting, designing, and editing. This is a departure from the traditional method, where a publishing house must approve a book before […]

A Quick Guide to Self-Publishing: How Book Distribution Services Work

You may have written a great book, but that doesn’t mean people will suddenly be coming out of the woodwork to help you sell it.  A successful book distribution campaign is one of the essential steps in publishing – it’s your chance to get your book in front of as many members of your target […]